
Recent and relevant publications

Makkonen H. V., Tuisku P. 2020. Geology and crystallization conditions of the Särkiniemi intrusion and related nickel-copper ore, central Finland – implications for depth of emplacement of 1.88 Ga nickel-bearing intrusions.

Schoneveld L., Barnes S.J., Makkonen H.V., Le Vaillant M., Paterson D.J., Taranovic V., Wang K.-Y. and Mao Y.-J. 2020. Zoned Pyroxenes as Prospectivity Indicators for Magmatic Ni-Cu Sulfide Mineralization. Front. Earth Sci. 8:256.

Konnunaho J.P., Hanski E.J., Karinen T.T., Lahaye Y., Makkonen H.V. 2018. The petrology and genesis of the Paleoproterozoic mafic intrusion-hosted Co-Cu-Ni deposit at Hietakero, NW Finnish Lapland. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland, 90 (1), 109–136.

Kousa, J., Mikkola, P. & Makkonen, H. 2018. Paleoproterozoic mafic and ultramafic volcanic rocks in the South Savo region, eastern Finland. In: Mikkola, P., Hölttä, P. and Käpyaho, A. (eds.) Development of the Paleoproterozoic Svecofennian orogeny: new constraints from the southeastern boundary of the Central Finland Granitoid Complex. Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 407, 63–84.

Makkonen, H.V., Halkoaho, T., Konnunaho, J., Rasilainen, K., Eilu, P.& Kontinen, A. 2017. Ni-Cu-(PGE) Deposits in Finland – geology and exploration potential. Ore Geology Reviews, 90, 667-696.

Makkonen, H.V. and Tuisku, P. 2017. Crustal level of the 1.88 Ga Svecofennian Ni-Cu bearing intrusions. Extended abstract for oral presentation, 14th SGA meeting, Quebec.

Makkonen, H.V. 2015. Nickel deposits of the 1.88 Ga Kotalahti and Vammala belt. In Maier, W.D., O’Brien, H. & Lahtinen, R. (eds.): Mineral Deposits of Finland. Elsevier. 253-290.

Makkonen, H.V. 2014. Partition coefficient for nickel between sulphide and silicate liquid: observations and applications. In: Lauri, L. S., Heilimo, E., Leväniemi, H., Tuusjärvi, M., Lahtinen, R. & Hölttä, P. (eds.) 2014. Current Research: 2nd GTK Mineral Potential Workshop, Kuopio, Finland, May 2014. Geological Survey of Finland, Report of Investigation 207. 161 pages, 71 figures and 4 tables, 104-105. (Electronic resource).

Makkonen, H.V. 2012. Ore tonnage vs. magma amount – calculations from intrusive nickel deposits in Finland [Electronic resource]. In: Proceedings of the 34th International Geological Congress 2012, 5-10 August 2012, Brisbane, Australia. Canberra: Australian Geosciences Council, 3885, Optical disc (CD-ROM).

Makkonen, H., Mäkinen, J. & Kontoniemi, O. 2008. Geochemical discrimination between barren and mineralized intrusions in the Svecofennian (1.9 Ga) Kotalahti Nickel Belt, Finland. Ore Geological Reviews, 33 (1), 101-114.

Barnes, S.J., Makkonen, H.V., Dowling, S.E., Hill, R.E.T & Peltonen,P. 2009. The 1.88 Ga Kotalahti and Vammala Nickel Belts, Finland: Geochemistry of the Mafic and Ultramafic Metavolcanic Rocks. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland, 81 (2), 103-141.

Makkonen, H., Halkoaho, T., Tiainen, M., Iljina, M. & Ahtonen N. 2009. FINNICKEL – a public database on nickel deposits in Finland. Version 1. 1, Revised 17.02.2010. Geological Survey of Finland.

Mäkinen, J. & Makkonen, H. V. 2004. Petrology and structure of the Palaeoproterozoic (1.9 Ga) Rytky nickel sulphide deposit, central Finland: a comparison with the Kotalahti nickel deposit. Mineralium Deposita 39 (4), 405-421.

Makkonen, H. V. 1996. 1.9 Ga tholeiitic magmatism and related Ni-Cu deposition in the Juva area, SE Finland. Geological Survey of Finland. Bulletin 386. 101 p. + 3 app., 1 app. map.

Makkonen, H. V. 1997. Composition of olivine as an exploration tool in the Niinimäki intrusion, SE Finland. In: Papunen, H. (ed.) Mineral deposits : research and exploration – where do they meet? Proceedings of the Fourth Biennial SGA Meeting, Turku/Finland/11-13 August 1997. Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema, 467-469.